Township sign Bremen Township
16361 S. Kedzie Parkway - Markham, IL 60428


General Assistance

General Assistance is offered to residents of Bremen Township who have no income or financial resources and are not eligible for Federal or State Assistance.


To be eligible for General Assistance you must currently reside in Bremen Township and must be a citizen of the United States or an alien who meets all legal requirements.


You must be 18 years of age or older to be eligible for General Assistance.


Application are available to anyone who asks for them. Applicants will be required to complete an application and provide the necessary forms and documentation before General Assistance eligibility can be established.

Applicant’s Responsibility

Every applicant for General Assistance must, at the time of application, furnish complete and accurate information concerning income, proof of residency, any means of support and any assets.

All applicants will be required to apply for food stamps.

Applicants who are applying for Social Security Disability will be required to show proof  of the application.

Any changes in an applicant’s situation must be reported to our Office within 5 day’s.

Assistance Grant

Once eligibility has been established the assistance grant may be applied towards rent, utilities, food allowance and household products. Other needs may be considered upon request.

Institutional Status

General Assistance is not available to residents in hospitals or in private or public institutions.

Client’s Responsibility

Client must report any change in residence, income, assets, and/or family size within five(5) working days of the change. Notification can be made to our office by letter, phone, or in person.

Client not reporting changes in income, assets, family size, residency or receiving more aid than they are entitled to are required by law to pay back a sum of money up to, but not to exceed, the entire amount of excess assistance paid by the Township.

Clients must keep all appointments and fulfill all requirements, sign all necessary forms.

Failure to do so will result in termination for non-cooperation.


Persons who make false statements or who willingly deceive and misrepresent their circumstances to a public assistance agency, or persons who willfully fail to report changes in income or property owned, which effect the amount of assistance they are entitled to are subject to penalties under the law.

Any person found guilty of fraud will be required to repay Bremen Township the amount of assistance received and, in addition, may be fined, imprisoned or both.

Terminated Employment / Job Services

If you voluntarily left your job without just cause you may not apply for General Assistance for 30 days from the date of termination. You are also required to maintain current registration with the Illinois Job Service.

Workfare Program

Any person considered employable is required to participate in the Bremen Township Workfare Program and complete monthly Job Search requirements.



Emergency Assistance provides financial aid for two (2) purposes: (1) to help alleviate a life-threatening circumstance, or (2) to help pay a work related expense necessary or obtain or maintain employment. A life-threatening circumstance is a condition which poses an imminent peril to health and or safety because of a lack of or the jeopardizing of the availability of shelter, food, utility service, medication, transportation, or other basic necessity. You may also receive Emergency Assistance to help pay for a work related expense, but only if payment of the expense is necessary for you to get or keep a job. In order to help you pay such expenses, the General Assistance Office may also refer you to other agencies or programs or for other services.

You may receive Emergency Assistance only once in a twelve (24) month period.

Assistance up to the amount of the Payment  Level is disbursed by the means of disbursing order (requests to a vendor to provide goods and services in return for payment by the General Assistance Office) or by payment directly to a provider of goods and services. You will not receive cash. The personnel of the General Assistance Office will tell you what the appropriate Payment Level is for the size of your household.

You may receive Emergency Assistance even though you have applied for and been approved to receive monthly welfare assistance (such as Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), Aid to the Aged, Blind and Disabled (AABD), Refugee and Repatriate Assistance (RRA) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) as long as you have not yet begun to receive monthly payments of such assistance. However, if you have already begun receiving monthly payments of cash welfare assistance you cannot receive Emergency Assistance.

If you have any questions about Emergency Assistance or the program requirements or particulars, you should ask the personnel of the General Assistance Office. In addition, you may inspect the General Assistance Office’s Emergency Assistance Handbook during regular office hours.    


Utility Assistance -At the intake interview and before a Completed and signed Application for assistance has been submitted, the following requirements are:

1.      The Utility must be a current disconnection notice but not yet disconnected.

2.      The Utility must be in the client’s name.

3.      The Client must have valid Identification.

4.      The Utility disconnection must be paid in full.

5.      The amount of the grant must meet the need to keep service from being disconnected.

6.      The client must show proof of their portion of Payment at the time of Assistance being granted.

7.      The client has not received assistance in the past twenty-four (24) months.

Note: Current disconnection notice means before the disconnection date.

You must have a Valid I.D. that has the current Address.